We’re just beginning to see what is possible. Now, we need your help.

As we approach the final few days of our spring programming, we are making this broad appeal to our network of friends and supporters because we need your help.

Artists stand in front of a banner for the Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers.

And it’s more than just asking for a donation – it’s about investing in a program that is, in turn, empowering the disability community to find its space in Canada’s arts and culture sector. Just in the past year alone, our artists have represented Canada on the global stage with cultural presentations in multiple regions around the world, including the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai. They’ve continued to create innovative works in visual arts, dance, music, and more recently, film (with several works showcased on CBC). And through it all, we are connecting our artists to paid opportunities that are advancing their careers – as artists.

But with direct government funding covering only a third of our increasing costs, every year we continue to face deficits and new levels of financial pressure. Cutbacks are not an option – not only do we operate with a lean team of 20 staff (supporting 350+ artists weekly), but our artists are just beginning to thrive and find their footing in this world that is still full of barriers. And we will not decrease the subsidies we provide to our artist community in accessing our programs and services. We owe it to them – because of what they’re able to create in turn.

Please click here to donate. Any amount helps. A $50 contribution helps offset the costs of supplies. $100 can cover the cost of larger canvases or digital media that help our artists create larger, powerful works. $500 can cover the cost of renting venues where our dancers, musicians, and other performers can create and practice their works. And a gift of $1,000 and beyond means we can help cover the cost of our small but mighty team so that they, in turn, can share their talents with our artist community.

Please help us in this moment of need. We’re just beginning to see what’s possible, and we can’t stop now.

Thank you from your team at the National accessArts Centre.


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