Become a sponsor

At the NaAC, support means something completely different than what you might imagine.

Your investment is impactful!

Help launch the careers of new Canadian artists who live with neurodevelopmental, developmental, or physical disabilities.

Sustain our Professional Track programs that develop industry relevant professional skills for our participants.

Increase the number of exhibition and presentation opportunities, exposing our artists’ creativity to new audiences locally and around the world.

Create a new generation of Canadians with disabilities who live with increased confidence and economic opportunities, bring supported and showcased as bona fide artists.

Our Sponsorship Opportunities include…

Artistic Training

Supporting our artistic programs can empower artists to reach their full potential. By providing them with training opportunities in various visual arts mediums, your sponsorship can help them gain confidence, improve communication skills, and unlock income-generating opportunities through artist fees and commissions. Creating a vibrant artistic community that fosters collaborative projects and learning opportunities, helping artists enhance their interpersonal and networking skills.

Performing Arts Programs

Our performing arts programs are a gateway to a world of creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. With disciplines ranging from jazz dance to hip hop, animation, movie making, and songwriting, our programs offer a unique opportunity for artists to develop their skills and pursue their passions. By supporting our programs, you can inspire and empower artists to unlock their full potential, build confidence, and seize new income-generating opportunities.

Professional Track Programs

The NaAC believes in providing opportunities for all artists, regardless of ability. We understand that individuals with disabilities require specialized and individualized support, which is why we’re working towards changing the arts ecosystem. Our goal is to create more paid opportunities and foster partnerships with employers, galleries, and performing arts institutions.

Learn more about our Professional Track Programs by downloading our 2022/2023 syllabus.

Professional Arts Track Syllabus

Intersection with Community

Discover the power of art and community with our programs – Ways of Knowing, artShare, and Queering Spaces. Through these programs, we explore new perspectives and push boundaries to create powerful, thought-provoking works of art. Join us in supporting our talented artists from the disability and LGBTQA+ communities at the Won Lee Community Arts Hub in Toronto.

Professional Development

The NaAC Practicum Program empowers NaAC artists to achieve their full potential by providing technical training and studio operations support. Through hands-on learning and mentorship, practicums gain skills that enhance their artistic medium, confidence, and employability in the arts. The program also provides income-generating opportunities and helps artists build their CV to secure individual grants and commissioning opportunities. Since 2019, the program has disbursed over $600,000 in artist fees and commissions, making it a unique and invaluable multidisciplinary program for artists across Canada.

Event Sponsorship

NaAC offers three incredible event sponsorship opportunities: rare, LAUNCHPAD series, and Exhibition + Presentation Series. These events provide a unique platform for art enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the world of exceptional art and rare wines. With LAUNCHPAD series, you can experience NaAC’s international outreach and exhibition endeavors, while the Exhibition + Presentation Series showcases the newest works created by NaAC’s artist community. Be inspired by these incredible events and join us in celebrating the beauty of art.

Get in touch with us

Jung-Suk (JS) Ryu

President and CEO

(403) 253 – 3174 ext. 1